Sophomore year of college, my roommate literally looked at me and said, "do you really need another skirt with whales on it?", well I was in college in the deep south, the skirt was on sale, and I practically came out of the womb in head to toe J.Crew, so the answer is "yea I do". And while I've moved on from the J.Crew embroidered Critter skirt, I still can't help but fall in love with anything whale related. It may seem childish, but I think you'd be surprised to find that most adults, probably yourself included, have a favorite animal. Whether you collect chickens for your kitchen, embroider bunnies on everything for your daughter, or wear whales on your skirt, there are tons of grown up ways to have a favorite animal.

Animal motifs can show up your sense of style, for instance, whales and alligators give off a preppy vibe, fish have an outdoorsy, southern feel, and bumble bees tend to look classic. These return address stamps are a perfect way to show off your animal of choice. They don't look at all childish, but have way more personality than a plain return address label. Paired with some personalized stationery, these
make a great statement, you'll probably be adding these stamps to everything. You can get yourself one here.
Stamps aren't the only subtle way to bring back your favorite animal. Stationery you would use for personal notes, (like the whale fold-over card up top) are far more whimsical and fun than the notes you use for business. Having a second set of stationery for personal use gives you the opportunity to put some personality into it, and frankly paper like that makes me think of excuses to write a note. You can pick up your own animal stationery at The Monogram Merchant.
Whether it's stationery, stamps, stickers, or calling cards, animal motifs aren't just for kids anymore.