...Week of September 17th edition...
JON McLAUGHLIN We here at the merch do not get any work

done without a little background music. I'm half surprised the ipod speakers haven't started smoking from overuse. Anyhoodle, one gentleman we have yet to get tired of is Jon McLaughlin. I have yet to meet a single soul who doesn't like his music, and if you don't know who he is, head over to your itunes and start downloading. Personal favorites of the Merch are:
Blue Skies, Throwing a Line, and Until You've Got Love. If this is your first Jon Mclaughlin experience, then all I have to say is; you're welcome in advance.
TERVIS TUMBLERS This may seem like a no brainer, but I am sorry, there is seriously nothing

better than Tervis Tumblers. I am personally a big fan of the Big T because it can actually hold an entire diet coke AND ice, which I have yet to see the average cup accomplish. Plus the best part of the Tervis is they don't ever sweat, so you're not leaving rings of water everywhere. They keep your drinks colder, longer, not to mention you can have them monogrammed or personalized with your favorite school. I realize they aren't exactly fine china or anything, but as everyday wear, you can't beat them. You can pick some out at
The Merch.
TELEVISION WITHOUT PITY I love my TV shows. I'm not all about watching aimless television, but the shows I follow, I follow RELIGIOUSLY. My friends know not to call me during LOST, I am obsessed with Project Runway, I'll probably cry if Friday Night Lights gets cancelled, and don't even get me started on Prison Break. However, I've found a website that completely feeds into my addiction, http://www.televisionwithoutpity.com/, is any television junkie's dream. Personally, I mostly just read the show recaps, which even if you've seen the episode are downright hilarious. The people who write recaps for TWoP add their own snarky comments, definitely worth hours of entertainment.