Yesterday here at the Merch was a rough day. We're pretty sure something was amiss in the moon and stars. No seriously, I even tried looking it up yesterday. Well today has already gotten off to a MUCH better start thanks to an email from one of my dear college friends who has way too much time on her hands (which appears to be a pattern for those of us with entry level jobs right out of college). Jenn must have spent HOURS yearbooking all of us at http://www.yearbookyourself.com/ and I suggest you stop whatever you are doing and devote at least the next hour to yearbooking yourself and your loved ones (it's good for a serious laugh).
Doesn't Jess look lovely up at the top? Clearly she was meant for the 80's,
unfortunately we were only 2 years old when mall rat bangs were in style, but I'm thinking Jess is going to start backcombing her hair and buying Aqua Net in bulk any day now. Speaking of hairspray, is that Tracy Turnblad on the right? Oh wait that's just Courtney being her stylish self. I mean, Good Morning Baltimore! that is one fine looking hairdo.

I'm sure both Kate and Jessie think they've dodged a bullet by not making it on the http://www.themonogrammerchant.com/ blog yet. Au contraire my dear friends, your turn is a comin'. Both Kate and
Jessie have amazing 90's hairdos that are not to be missed.

You may be thinking, "Hold the phone, how did you get a picture of my 1st grade gym teacher?!" While she does hold a striking resemblance to many a 1990's jungle gym maven, no worries, it's just Kate really working an early 90's feathered number. I mean really, I don't think Kate has ever looked better.

It wouldn't be fair to subject all my friends to the blog without putting up my own picture as well. I've always said I was meant to be in high school in the late 80's or early 90's, I mean I have the natural curl and frizz any smart girl at Bayside High School would be jealous of. However, yearbook yourself, has proven me wrong, as clearly the 70's were more my speed. Anyhoodle, while yearbookyourself.com has nothing to do with monogramming (although I guess you could call this yearbook personalization if you want to get all technical), it's certainly worth the break from work or school for a solid hour of entertainment.
Here's hoping I still have friends after this is posted.